Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Jacks

Last weekend we spent the day at Boundary Dam. We stopped along the shore to cook some dinner.

The Jacks love to go boating.

I think one of Sparky's favorite things to do is Kayak. He has been kayaking for 4 years and loves it. Took him about a year to get it figured out though. He finally realized he can sit on the back or lay down and relax.

Jaspers first Kayak ride, he did pretty good, but I did not go too far with both of them as I did not know how Jasper was going to react and I didn't want to end up upside down.

A typical day for Jasper, he goes non stop, Sparky is finally begining to slow down at the age of 7. Jasper is 8 months old.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

You guys have so much fun! I loved all of Alaska, by the way (I don't remember if I ever commented on that before). I'm envious of all the sights, tho not of the diesel bill... well, and thoughts of road trips give me the shudders considering my current family demographics... :)